Professionals choose to use Hamilton.
We have a history spanning nearly 250 years, and have accumulated extensive knowledge and expertise about the painting and decorating industry. We continually use this knowledge to develop great products through insight, innovation and changing needs. Remember – today’s paints have changed, and your tools must change along with them.
From the very beginning, we have worked tirelessly to produce decorating tools that professionals and trades alike are proud to use. Offering clearly tiered ranges that allow the user to choose the right tool for the right job.
Browse our product areas for product information on Brushes, Rollers, Tools and Accessories. Alternatively you can view guides and topical articles by visiting our Knowledge Room – this is where we share all this experience directly with you. See insights, tips and useful How-to guides that you can view and download.
To quote our customers
“Absolutely outstanding quality. Definitely best on the market.”
Simon Radestock, SMR Refurbishments.
Simon Radestock, SMR Refurbishments.
“Excellent brushes!”
Howard Spencer, Howard Spencer Ltd.
Howard Spencer, Howard Spencer Ltd.
“Quality that never lets you down”
Paul, The Geordie Painter.
Paul, The Geordie Painter.
“Best brushes in the world!”
R Kennedy, R. Kennedy Decorating
R Kennedy, R. Kennedy Decorating
View Our Product Ranges

A range of tools for the multi-skilled trades person.
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